Friday, October 28, 2011

At last

At last I have found my way to this wonderful blog. Thank you Lord for the comments already written and thank you for Meaghan who did such an outstanding job in making this blog.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The blessing of Family Dinner

Just praising God for two family dinners two days in a row! With kids busy in soccer and now preparing music for the Youth Rally we feel so privileged to have found a way to make that happen! And thank you, my prayer group sisters, for encouraging me to make it known to my family how important this is to me! Wait 'til you hear the full story of what happened yesterday!

For the Joy of Little Ones

Thanks so much for sharing your children with me yesterday. And a very special thank you to Donna and Wendy for their invaluable help, I could not have done it without you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Great Idea

Thank you, Meaghan, for the great idea to have Maddie and Max do a 1000 gifts journal of their own. Fun and easy way to help them be aware of 'eucharisteo'.

Thank you God for technology and for Meaghan

We've just starting a study at Tuesday group where we are studying 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I've kept a gift list for several months now, but I also love my group and I'm delighted to begin to share this experience with all of them via this blog. Thank you Meaghan for creating this opportunity for all of us.